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Hi here~ 👋

# About Me

  • 🍭 I am experienced with commonly used tech stacks involving both front-end and back-end technologies, as well as distributed systems. I enjoy tinkering with and trying out new things.
  • 🍊 The programming languages I use include Java, Rust, Typescript, Python, Javascript...
- 🍮 My MBTI : INFP~

# Education

  • 2017.09-2020.07
    • Master's Degree in Computer Technology from Peking University
  • 2013.09-2017.09
    • Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering from Tiangong University

# Work Experience

  • 2023.08-Present
    • Senior Java Engineer at Ant Group, Shanghai.
  • 2020.07-2023.08
    • FullStack Software Engineer at BOSH, Shanghai.

# Project Experience

  • 2020.07-Present TODOS

# Contact Me

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